Sunday, April 27, 2008

What have we been up to?

Well we haven't been up to much lately. We are just busy with our day to day life's.
* Jaime and I have been busy with work. Sephoria is putting a warehouse here in Salt Lake, and Jaime has turned in his resume. We will see what happens. I am getting ready to go out of town again on May 6th. I will be in Detroit for a few days. Looking forward to it. I really love my job, they have been so good to me.
* Carson has been playing soccer, Friday night they tied the game to the best team in there league. Those little boys work so hard, but they have so much fun playing together. Carson is looking forward to the summer and can't wait until school is out. I gotta find something for him to do all summer. Any suggestions???
* Abbi is still in dance and loves every minute of it. She will put her tap shoes on at home and dance around. She is working hard to get ready for her recital in June. She loves to go to preschool to see her friends and to learn new things.
* This weekend we decided to do a little Spring Cleaning. I started in the house and cleaned out the kids rooms, toys, closets, under beds, and drawers. Then we went outside and WOW! do we have our work cut out for us. We have alot of spring cleaning to do outside. I am looking forward to it, I would rather do yard work then house work. Abbi helped me mow the front lawn today, Jaime gets the back. The kids really enjoyed being outside. They sure get wiped out playing outside.

1 comment:

Abby and Brenda said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a blog! I'll have to check in here more often!