Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Family Fall Fun!

We had a great Halloween weekend. We started off Thursday night with a trip to Black Island Farms with Carson's scout group. The kids had so much fun running through the corn maze, playing on the slides, and in a big bouncy pumpkin.

Carson and his good friend Dallon

Abbi posing like she always does in front of a pile of hay bales.

Friday night we carved Pumpkins with the kids. Abbi loved taking out "all the guts" as she would say. Carson was a little more hesitant to dig in but after Abbi didn't mind it he thought it was OK. Who knew that a boy would be more disgusted than a girl.

Saturday morning we did some much needed yard clean up. We have 3 hugh trees in our back yard so we had tons of leaves to pick up. The kids were so good about helping. Maybe is was because I told them they couldn't go trick or treating if it didn't get done.They couldn't help but play a little in the leaves! After 2 full garbage cans and 8 bags full of leaves we were done. Well for at least a week.

Now it was time for Trick or Treating!! We of course couldn't keep up with them from house to house. The kids had a blast and now we have way too much candy around our house!!

Carson, Abbi and Cousin Riley

It was a great weekend! I enjoy each and every moment I spend with my family.